
Retail Industries Development

Retail Industries Development


This industry comprise of merchandising, household, grocery, technology, white goods, house improving, food and beverages, apparel and accessories, pharmacy, specialty, etc. with a range of variants into size, type, and formats.

The online sale is severe in trend. Even if the customer go in store, they do search for online price comparison through mobile or other online devices. Trends show 44% buyers, buy online but want to pick from store and 64% want in-store customer services for their online shopping. Handling such kind of baffling issues are the need of modern retailers. Also, synchronizing with the vast range and line of products is another hot issue. Doing it manually is a mind boggling task. The market statistics shows that 84% of in-store walk-ins compare and searches products on their mobile devices. 75% of the respondents confessed that their shopping habits are quite influencing with social media product information.